Love Speaks.

And..We’re back!

What the heck happened, there, oh deserted blog readers? Almost two months without a post? I hope I’m not dead to all of you by this point!

Well….the last two months (ish, naturally) have been nothing short of the most exciting and absolutely horrifyingly thrilling of the past year. The application for seminary, as you know, is complete. The interview are done (I passed!) and now I just wait for my psychological evaluation coming up at the end of this month.

This is now Finals week at North Central…finally. I’ve got my three exams today so I will be done with tests (hooray!). Tomorrow I preside over my last meeting as president of the Character Counts! Coalition before I hand over the gavel to the still unknown successor. That’s kind of sad since I’ve had such an awesome time this year and I still have so much that I would like to get done. But…if the seminary thing plays out then I will be 440 miles away and if I’m back at NCC, I would like to have some time to just be a college kid for a little while.

As I said these last couple of months have been an interesting ride to say the least. Lots of stuggle and difficulty to be sure, but for everything bad thing there were one or two things that made everything great again. God is just so great in all that He does for us and with us and He has really shown me that. He’s been teaching me how to deal with all kinds of different emotions and situations which I believe is only strengthening my call to the priesthood.

As the school year draws to a close, I’m just having the best time and am certainly very happy with where I am right now. Please keep praying for me as I will certainly do so for all of you!

BTW – Have your prayed the Rosary lately?