Love Speaks.

Can We Get a Star, Too, Please? | Epiphany 2020

Epiphany 2020
Cathedral of St. Raymond



  1. I wish we could live in the time of Jesus’ birth; before he was studied, known. When everything about this child was still mysterious and full of intrigue, before we knew the rest of the story.
  2. Why do the wise men follow the star? Because they were convinced of where it would lead them? No. Because something about it made them stop and say, “huh.”
  3. Our faith is never a given, a done deal. It must be constantly reaffirmed, always renewed. Every action, thought, and word requires that we choose him or something else.
  4. The Church is always proposing, never imposing. The Church is proposing the ideal of Christ into each of our particular history.
  5. Propositions intrigue us. They call on us to accept or reject them and if we accept it, the acceptance binds us. But the acceptance must be constantly renewed.
  6. We are a people that is afraid of the proposition of Jesus. We aren’t afraid that his promises won’t be fulfilled, but that maybe they actually will. If he is real, and if what he proposes is true, it must affect every area of my life; no stone unturned in my heart. If he is real, then everything about must change.
  7. After people encounter us, they should say something like, “You know, when I’m with you, I’m not afraid anymore. I see the possibility of a life with hope, a life in which I might give and receive real love, and maybe even the kind of love that could convince me that God exists in my life and is present now, just as he promised.” (Helen Alvaré, #SLS20)