Love Speaks.

Esprit de Dieu, Souffle de Vie…

Most of you know by know how big of a Francophile I am, and I was delighted about a month ago to discover that the Emmanuel Community in France produces a daily email series called “Dieu avec Nous Aujourd’hui” (God with Us Today). Every day, they send the gospel reading for the day, a short reflection, and a song. I signed up for it thinking that it might be good French practice, but I’m finding that I’m actually regularly quite edified by what they say…especially by the songs!

I wanted to share the song they sent for today, called “Esprit de Dieu, Souffle de Vie” (Spirit of God, Breath of Life). Just a nice meditation for an equally nice fall day. Come Holy Spirit!

You can listen to it here (scroll to the bottom).

Here are the words in the original French, and then my translation:

R. Esprit de Dieu, souffle de vie                           
Esprit de Dieu, souffle de feu,
Esprit de Dieu, consolateur,
Tu nous sanctifies !

1. Viens, Esprit, viens en nos cœurs
Viens, Esprit nous visiter.
Viens, Esprit nous vivifier,
Viens, nous t´attendons.

2. Viens, Esprit de Sainteté
Viens, Esprit de vérité.
Viens, Esprit de charité,
Viens, nous t´attendons.

3. Viens, Esprit nous rassembler,
Viens, Esprit nous embraser.
Viens, Esprit nous recréer,
Viens, nous t´attendons.

R. Spirit of God, breath of life
Spirit of God, breath of fire,
Spirit of God, consoler,
You sanctify us!

1. Come, Spirit, come into our hearts
Come, Spirit, and visit us.
Come, Spirit, give us life,
Come, we are waiting for you.

2. Come, Spirit of holiness
Come, Spirit of Truth,
Come, Spirit of charity,
Come, we are waiting for you.

3. Come, Spirit, bring us together,
Come, Spirit, set us ablaze.
Come, Spirit, make us anew,
Come, we are waiting for you.