Excerpt from Gaudet Mater Ecclesia, the speech of Pope St. John XXIII on the occasion of the Opening of the Second Vatican Council, St. Peterâ€
The Church is the most loving mother of all
Today, Venerable Brethren, is a day of joy for Mother Church: through Godâ€
Certain it is that the critical issues, the thorny problems that wait upon manâ€
In these days, which mark the beginning of this Second Vatican Council, it is more obvious than ever before that the Lordâ€
The Church has always opposed these errors, and often condemned them with the utmost severity. Today, however, Christâ€
The great desire, therefore, of the Catholic Church in raising aloft at this Council the torch of truth, is to show herself to the world as the loving mother of all mankind; gentle, patient, and full of tenderness and sympathy for her separated children. To the human race oppressed by so many difficulties, she says what Peter once said to the poor man who begged an alms: “Silver and gold I have none; but what I have, that I give thee. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, arise and walk.†(Acts 3:6) In other words it is not corruptible wealth, nor the promise of earthly happiness, that the Church offers the world today, but the gifts of divine grace which, since they raise men up to the dignity of being sons of God, are powerful assistance and support for the living of a more fully human life. She unseals the fountains of her life-giving doctrine, so that men, illumined by the light of Christ, will understand their true nature and dignity and purpose. Everywhere, through her children, she extends the frontiers of Christian love, the most powerful means of eradicating the seeds of discord, the most effective means of promoting concord, peace with justice, and universal brotherhood.
O almighty and eternal God,
who throughout all the world made ​​in blessed Pope John
a living radiant example of Christ the Good Shepherd,
grant us, we ask, that through his intercession,
we may be enabled to pour out an abundance of Christian charity.
(Through our Lord Jesus Christ…)
(Through Christ our Lord. Amen.)
Original Latin: OmnÃpotens sempitérne Deus, qui per orbem terrárum in beáto Ioánne, papa, Christi boni pastóris vivum effulgére fecÃsti exémplum, concéde nobis, quaésumus, ut, eius intercessióne, abundántiam christiánae caritátis laetánter effúndere valeámus. Per Christum.