Love Speaks.

Every now and then…

Every now and then the world catches up with me.
Every now and then the world will beat me down just to watch me fall.
Every now and then the world will walk away satisfied for ruining a moment.

Little does the world know…
Every now and then I do this little thing called PRAY.


Every now and then, I start lose sight of my vision and of where it is that God is leading me. Most of the time, this happens because my mind is buried too far into other things (school, etc). It’s a sad day when that happens because I rely so much on that call and on that vision. Luckily, I know that it can be easily rediscovered through prayer. It is so nice to have subtle reminders of why I am doing what I am doing. Today before mass, the lector asked me,”Ryan, are you thinking about becoming a priest?” I said that I was and she replied, “Good. I was hoping you were.”


In other news…

As I’ve mentioned before, I’m reading Matthew Kelly’s Rediscover Catholicism. It is such a great book that focuses on the state of our Modern Faith, where it is failing, and how it can succeed. The prologue tells an awesome story that puts into a modern context the great sacrifice that both God and Jesus Christ had to make in order for us to be saved. LONG STORY SHORT….I’m creating a presentation about the prologue and some expansion off of it surrounding the topic of God’s great and saving love. I hope to have it finished soon and maybe, with enough prayer and work, it could be presented at different parishes in sort of a mission format. I have no idea where all of this came from, but I’m feeling inspired to create something that will help others to come home to the Catholic Church and be the people that God wishes for them to be.

Act of Belief:
Oh my God,
You are my light and my salvation;
Of whom should I be afraid?
It is because of you that I have this life;
None of my worries, uncertainty, or concern
are too big for your saving hands.
I pass these things from my heart to yours
because I believe in you;
I believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit;
The Blessed Three in One.

I came up with that last night as I was working on the outline for the presentation.

And so,
Tonight I pray, again, for all of the people of my generation who have not come to know Jesus Christ.
I pray for the souls of those lost because of legalization of Abortion 38 years ago.
I pray that everyone has the courage to listen for and to answer God’s call for them, whatever it might be.

In Christ,