Greetings all:
This week featured the final demise of last week’s illness, although it did not go out without a fight. While the details are literally disgusting, I did earn a nice little trip to the fantastic Clinica Javier Prado in the San Isidro district of Lima. In Peru, there are public hospitals and private clinics. The hospitals are generally overcrowded so the wait is very long for care that is not often very good. The clinics are private so if you’ve got the cash, that’s where you go. Naturally, I was pretty nervous about all of this because when you’re abroad anywhere, the clinic is the last place you want to be going. When we travel, we try to make sure that everything is ready and will go according to plan; we’ve set up flights, trains, hotels, car services, host families…..and while all of these things might fall through, there will always be another flight, another train, another taxi, another sunny day for the trip to the beach. But what about when your body fails? When a health emergency comes up? Because there won’t always be another body. When you meticulously plan every detail and then it’s….your body that doesn’t work? You have to be kidding!
But that’s happened to me twice now, and both times I got to experience a foreign health system. Both times I was petrified and ended up being pleasantly surprised. This time around, the director of my school took the morning off to personally take me to the clinic. I couldn’t believe that. She was so helpful in translating everything for me and making sure I understood. The doctor was a total boss (he reminded me of one of my uncles) and was super helpful and nice. He gave me some awesome meds (yes!). Before I went to the doctor on Friday I could not walk very well or sit down (long story) but now, Monday night, I’m running, sitting, and lying on my back like never before. Thanks, doc!
Earlier in the week we went to the Parque de la Reserva which is home to the Circuito Magico del Agua; basically it’s a big park filled with awesome fountains. At night, all of the fountains have awesome lighting and there is a huge show with the fountains synched up with music. Very neat. It was a great way to get out after being cooped up all of last weekend being sick and a great way to celebrate being halfway done with the program.

I’m sure what is in store this week, except for our super patriotic 4th of July plans…..but you’ll have to wait until next week to hear about that.
Just a reminder that if you have prayers or questions, anything is fair game.
In Christ,