The Un-Instagrammable Self and Becoming What We Love – 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time 2020

Homily for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
23 August 2020
Sacred Heart Parish

“Everything of any significance you will do in your life will be done by your un-Instagrammable self.” – Tara Westover (

“O God, who am I? And who are you?” “Who is it that I love when I love my God?” – St. Augustine

“We we love we shall grow to resemble.” – St. Bernard of Clairvaux

“Not only do we know God only through Jesus Christ, but we know ourselves only through Jesus Christ. We know life and death only through Jesus Christ. Outside Jesus Christ, we know neither what our life is nor what our death is nor what God is nor what we ourselves are.” – Blaise Pascal, Pensée 729

“It is very much the fashion at present to regard the Savior of the world in an irreverent and unreal way – as a mere idea or vision; to speak of Him so narrowly and unfruitfully, as if we only knew of His name; though Scripture has set Him before us in His actual sojourn on earth, in His gestures, words, and deeds, in order that we may have that on which to fix our eyes.” – St. John Henry Newman

“In place of the flesh-and-blood, historical Jesus of Nazareth, whose concrete life the evangelists went to great lengths to record faithfully – the Jesus who at every step surprises and even scandalizes us…we tend to construct an ideal, domesticated Jesus, more in keeping with our own notions of goodness and a fulfilled existence.” Erasmo Leiva Merikakis, Fire of Mercy, Heart of the Word, Vol. 33, p. 31.



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