Hey everyone!
In a Fr. Ryan classic move, I abandoned my homily at the last minute and decided to preach about something totally different. The Spirit does that sometimes!
The sayings of Jesus are definitely hard, and they can be hard to believe and accept. But if we think about the teaching of Jesus in relationship to the most real, most basic thing of life, we begin to see that what Jesus is offering corresponds to our deepest and most fundamental desires, and by fulfilling these desires that motivate so much of what we do and inform so much of how we see the world, Jesus is able to take what was once a mundane and formal life and reshape it into the abundant life he came to offer us.
Give him the benefit of the doubt, and in the face of everything happening to you…stop and ask him, “are you the one? Are you the one who will fill me up? Are you the one who will make me new? Are you the one who has this power?”
Then let him answer you.